We are pleased to announce that Julien Bosc and Tomas Collin have been elected to the Board.
At the Autumn Conference and General Meeting, two new professional members were voted in to join our Board, from a very strong field of four candidates. The final result saw Julien and Tomas elected to take the two places vacated by Dimitri Bolulenger and Alex Boon.
We would like to extend our thanks to Dimitri and Alex on behalf of the membership for their dedication, hard work and contribution during their quarter of a century of service to Osteopathy Europe.
Read more about your new board members below.
Julien Bosc
Tomas Collin
Julien said: I am delighted to have joined the Board of Osteopathy Europe and to play a key role in the advancement of the osteopathic profession. With my skills, experience and dedication, I am confident that I can contribute to Osteopathy Europe’s mission and have a significant impact on the growth and recognition of the profession with the Board.
Tomas said: I am honored to have been elected and looking forward to working together with a great team of dedicated colleagues. I believe OE adds value to our international community of osteopaths by building bridges to other professions and stakeholders, by raising standards and pushing for a sound educational and regulative development, and by communicating the benefits of osteopathy to the wider public. Let’s keep up the good work.
Julien joins us from Belgium, where he serves as a board member of Osteopathie.be (the major professional body representing osteopaths in Belgium) and through other mandates in local organisations. It is within his mandate at Osteopathie.be that he defends the interests of osteopaths, promotes osteopathy in Belgium and advocates the best osteopathic care for every patient.
Tomas joins us from Norway he is the President of the Norwegian Association of Osteopaths combining this role with clinical work in Færder, south of Oslo, where he also works with an elite handball team. Tomas is heavily involved in the Nordic Osteopathic Association and has chaired our Education Committee since 2021.