About us
Osteopathy Europe promotes standards, regulation and recognition for osteopaths in Europe. We represent osteopaths and osteopathic institutions in 22 countries.
Our members are comprised of the lead professional associations and regulatory authorities from Europe. We come together to advance awareness and recognition of the role that osteopaths bring to the health and wellbeing of the public and ensure high standards of osteopathic care as well as patient safety.
Osteopathy Europe came about as a merger between the European Federation of Osteopaths (EFO), and the Forum for Osteopathic Regulation in Europe (FORE) in March 2018. One of the successes of the two organisations is the establishment of the European CEN (Centre Européen de Normalisation) Standard for Osteopathic Healthcare Provision in 2015.
The organisation is also a member of the Osteopathic International Alliance, the leading organisation for the advancement and unity of the global osteopathic profession