We are looking for new members to join our Research Committee. Currently a collaboration of 7 members from across the osteopathic profession, this committee promote the value and impact of evidence-informed clinical practice and its influence on patient health and wellbeing and to ensure patient needs are met with evidence-informed individualised care.
Read more about the committee’s objectives here.
Committee member, Dawn Carnes said:
“ We are looking for people who are passionate about evidence-informed practice and research and who can commit to attending one meeting a month (first Tuesday of the month at 19.30 CET). If you are interested, please send your CV and a short single paragraph to my email. Please tell us why you would be interested in being involved. We are keen to be a diverse group so we welcome interest from anyone regardless of gender, age, sexuality or disability.”
If you are interested please send your email to dawn.carnes@uco.ac.uk.
Photo credit: Michael Fousert via Upsplash.com