Svenska Osteopatförbundet (SOF)
Sweden is still not recognized. In Sweden – we have been trying since 1983 when the Swedish Osteopathic Association (SOF) was founded and are still working hard towards achieving regulation. On a positive note, we have only one Osteopathic Association (SOF), and have just reached 300 members! There are probably 50 or more osteopaths in Sweden that have not yet become members of the Association, for different reasons. We have one school in Gothenburg, the Scandinavian School of Osteopathy (SKOHS) – which offers a 4 year full-time course leading to a BSA, validated by the Metropolia University in Finland. There is also a school in Stockholm, Stockholm College of Osteopathic Medicine (SCOM) offering postgraduate courses for osteopaths, that previously ran a Diploma in Osteopathy validated by British College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM). SOF is besides trying to achieve regulation, working towards that all the members are fulfilling the CEN standard, as well as offering several other membership benefits.