
AOST – Associação dos Osteopatas de Portugal

AOST was born in 2018 with the merge of the two most representative osteopathic associations, the AROP (Associação e Registo dos Osteopatas de Portugal) and the FPO (Federação Portuguesa dos Osteopatas). The associative work in Portugal goes back as far as 1986 with the first association to be born in this professional area. After long years of work, Osteopathy is now recognised has a health care profession regulated by the ACSS (Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde) which is a government body that regulates health care professions.

At the moment, we represent 350 osteopaths that work in our country. We are starting to work on CPD courses, ensure high standards of osteopathic education by working alongside universities, communicate and educate the population about the osteopathic profession and protect the title of Osteopath.

Please find more information in our website: AOST – Associação dos Osteopatas de Portugal

Contact details:
Luis Freire de Andrade