NVO – The Dutch Association for Osteopathy
The osteopathy profession is promoted in the Netherlands by the Dutch Association for Osteopathy (NVO). The NVO was established in 1986 and is part of an organizational structure with the NRO quality register and represents about 700 osteopaths in the Netherlands . The profession has been laid down under private law as much as possible as a guarantee for the interests of both osteopaths and patients.
The NVO is the democratic body that represents the interests of its members, osteopaths. The board maintains contact with government agencies and health insurers and takes initiatives for various consultations both within and outside the profession. The NVO strives for scientific substantiation of the profession and facilitates the Foundation for Scientific Osteopathic Research (SWOO). Guidelines have been drawn up for a number of areas. The vision and policy of the NVO is aimed at bringing osteopathic professional practice to a level recognized by the government.