Malta Association of Osteopaths (MAO)
Osteopathy is regulated in Malta by the Council for Professions Complementary to Medicine (CPCM), which also regulates 18 other healthcare professions. For more information please visit:
There is currently no possibility for training in osteopathy in Malta. Foreign qualifications are subject to recognition in accordance with the ‘Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Act’ and are approved by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE)
The code of practice for the profession of osteopathy was published in March 2013 and is available to download at:
Mr. Robert Grech was the first osteopath to be registered in Malta in 2012. Since then, he has been actively promoting osteopathy in the country and works closely with the regulatory Council to help with registration processes. The register now counts 11 osteopaths.
Mr. Grech and his colleagues are currently in the process of setting up a professional association. The proposed name will be The Malta Association of Osteopaths (MAO) and its aims will serve to continue to represent registered osteopaths both nationally and internationally, uphold high standards of patient care, improve co-operation with other health care professionals and work towards establishing high standards of education for osteopathy in Malta.
Contact details:
Mr. Robert Grech B.Sc. (Hons.) Ost. (UK)
‘Osteopathy Malta’ 1, Triq Giorgio Mitrovich
Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1423