Suomen Osteopaattiliitto Ry- Finlands Osteopatförbund Rf
The Finnish Osteopathic Association (Suomen Osteopaattiliitto Ry- Finlands Osteopatförbund Rf) has 140 full members and 30 student members.
The title of an osteopath is protected occupational title since 1994. Currently we are working on being licensed, which would mean a better protection for the profession and would also allow us to be a part of the public health care system in the future.
Professionals entitled to use a protected occupational title will be entered into the central register of health care professionals maintained by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, Valvira. In addition, each clinic or practice has to be registered at one of the six Regional State Administrative Agencies in Finland. The aim of the Agency is to make sure that high-quality health care services are available for the citizens.
Patients can self refer, as the osteopaths only work in the private sector. Some work places and one private insurance policy include osteopathy in their health care plan, and therefore accept referrals from doctors.
The CEN- standard is implemented in Finland. There are two schools of osteopathy in Finland that have been audited following the requirements of the CEN- standard. Roughly 40 students graduate from these school every spring.
President of the Finnish Osteopathic Association is Laura Lee Kamppila (