The Osteopathie.be is at this moment the largest representative body for osteopathy in Belgium and is a member of the Osteopathy Europe.
Osteopathy in Belgium is recognised but not regulated yet. We are as healthcare practitioners well known by the public. Patients do not need to be referred (we work in first-line care without prescription) and have a partial refund of the osteopathic fees from the social security or from private insurances.
Osteopathie.be represents only professionals who exclusively practice osteopathy. We require (since 2014) a MSc level to become a member of our association. This requirement resulted from an advice formulated by an official commission of experts.
Given that politically no big step towards the recognition of our profession is expected in the short term, we are trying hard to set up a national register. This register should include all osteopaths who meet certain minimum criteria, such as: diploma, insurance, CPD and a code of ethics. We hope that in the future, new possibilities will occur for the recognition of our beautiful profession.
The presidency is at this moment held by:
Eric Dobbelaere, eric.dobbelaere@osteopathie.be
For more information: www.osteopathie.be Contact: info@osteopathie.be